Friday, 25 October 2013

Seven Deadly Sins Research 3

SE7N The Seven Deadly Sins

Chambliss Giobbi aims to create images that describe psychological depth. Using an intricate and laborious collage technique, Giobbi’s works pursue an almost Cubist ambition of capturing their subject from multiple angles at once. But rather than the visual point of view, the subject’s ever-evolving psychological state is what fascinates Giobbi. He spends lengthy photo sessions with his models, printing dozens of photos of them and tearing them up to construct new figures that become exaggerated and distorted. Giobbi has a solo show titled “Se7n,” a series that explores the Seven Deadly Sins in Christianity.

An idea I had to portray each sin was to create characters through the use of found/collected images. Chambliss Giobbi's work relates to my idea as through the use of collage Giobbi has his own characters by using his own models. As photo montage must in incorporated in the method of portraying the sins, Giobbi's work has given me the idea of taking my own images as well as found images and also creating my own characters and scenarios to illustrate each sin. Although as Giobbi's pieces are rather abstract I think mine would be a bit more simplistic and would involve hand drawn elements and different use of media to make the image not only a little bit more obvious and understandable but also vibrant and colourful.

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