Tuesday 28 January 2014

Metamorphosis Research 5


When I'd chosen the metamorphosis brief I was instantly reminded of a childhood favourite - Jumanji. Although a lot of preparation would go into creating a half animal half human face with the use of different materials, I think it could still be possibly. The planning would have to be done quickly and the materials would also have to be sourced immediately so that experiments could start straight away within the first half of the week.

Metamorphosis Research 4

Animal/Human Metamorphosis Creatures

These images came across very tense but also creative. I think with time a similar creation could be created whilst referencing to these images for the metamorphosis brief, however the idea proves to be difficult with just a week to create a final piece.

Metamorphosis Research 3

Magical Metamorphosis

I was astonished and madly impressed when I came across these images and after viewing these I feel as though I will be forever inspired to create images just like these. If the time limit was much longer than just a week as I would definately push myself to create my own metamorphosis version using these images as inspiration. I love the use of make up, props, digital effects and scenery that are combined together to create such wonderful pictures.

Metamorphosis Research 2

Animal Pencil Morphing Illustrations

I thought these images presented quite a creative way to compare a person to an animal and vice versa. The contrast in colours allows both aspects of the images to stand out. I quite like the idea of imitating an animal to represent the metamorphosis.

Metamorphosis Research 1

Metamorphosis Peacock

Metamorphosis-Peacock by KlarEm

This caught my attention as a great image. The colours work so well and the way in which the picture has a free flow to it through the positioning and movement of the feathers make the face of the subject stand strong on its own.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Creating Caricature Research 6

Caricature Paintings

I was never aware that Derren Brown as an artist and therefore when I saw his caricature paintings, I was amazed! This paintings are so accurate to the subjects features which make the people easily recognisable.

Creating Caricature Research 5


Caricature of Marilyn Monroe

Caricature of Audrey Hepburn

Caricature Die Hard

Daniel Craig caricature

pulp fiction caricature

I'd like to be able to create cartoon like caricatures of my subjects and these images would be great references and influences. These images remind me of childhood cartoons which no longer seems to exist as cartoons are more modernised therefore I thought it would be good to bring that aspect back like it is in these images.

Creating Caricature Research 4

The Making Of Headcases

These are the first caricature pictures I came across when searching for celebrity caricatures. This gave me and idea and a remembrance of how caricatures are meant to look although I didn't think they were the best of designs. They have a sense of gaming style to them which I haven't always been fond of.

Creating Caricature Research 3

Political Animals

Showing strain: With the Coalition coming under increasing pressure in recent months, the Prime Minister is beginning to resemble a grumpy dog

The mane man: With his toothy grin, former prime minister Tony Blair closely resembles this donkey

Clarke-a-doodle-doo: With his hair in a spike, Ken Clarke looks similar to this cockerel

Hippo-crite?: John Prescott and a hippopotamus

Looky-lickies: Former PM Gordon Brown resembles a bulldog

Goofy: This is how the newly re-elected London mayor Boris Johnson was compared to a alpaca last week

I intend to focus my caricatures on politicians and hence when I came across these I thought it's be a funny idea to combine the faces of animals and politicians together to create a caricature version of each individual. These images helped me realise which animals would suit whichever politician.

Creating Caricature Research 2


These caricatures have a sense of realism to them through the shading and texture. I'm not entirely sure If I want to go for a more realistic approach and whether I'd be capable of creating a successful image in this method.

Creating Caricature Research 1


"Cuomo & Jim Alesi" Cover for NY Observer

"Bloomberg & Cuomo" Cover for NY Observer

"Bloomberg & Murdoch" Cover for NY Observer

"D.S.K." Cover for NY Observer

"Leo" Cover for NY Observer

I came across these pictures when I searched, for caricatures that relate to politicians, online. I thought these were rather funny as each person is placed in to a mocking scenario. These have influenced me to heavily consider what circumstances the politicians, that I'll be looking at, will be placed in for my final images.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Typographic Conversations Research 15

Embroidering Letters

Here are some more embroidery based typography that I discovered, however these appear much more fancy and planned out compared to the previous ones I had looked at. These designs contains parts of ribbons and stitching that is done in different ways to create things such as little flowers which I thought was rather creative.