Friday 28 February 2014

Magazine Research 1

Catapult Art Magazine

Hey all! I am featured in this month’s issue of Catapult Art magazine.  October 2013 – Issue #26
I am so excited. It is my first magazine feature. I am on page 104 I believe and it is a double page spread.
2 of my watercolour paintings are featured.
The Lock Keeper and the Key Master.
The 2 paintings are set of girls that were painted with that in mind.  I utilize the negative space of the paper display the yin / yang or duality of the woman and her need for companionship, not necessarily for the opposite sex.  Just like a lock and a key, one without the other cannot reach it’s full potential.

This is a great image of a strong double page spread that clearly advertises and presents and artist work. The bold colours do a great job of separating both pages as they come together at the fold. The only criticism I have is the placement of the artist's website. The name is so well presented that the website slightly ruins the presentation as it's not that noticeable (but that can be a good thing because the image is still clearly visible) but also that it feels like it's just been thrown under the artist's surname. It occupies more of the second image which seems a bit unfair. I personally would have placed it in the middle of the fold, at the bottom of the spread, making sure that when open the address looks fine. Or placing it at the bottom of the right hand side of the right page in a small font would also look good in my eyes, as it wouldn't stand out and distract the viewers away from the images and name of the artist but it would still be visible enough to have a look at and consider before flipping onto the next page.

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